Puget Systems Labs…..On Your Desktop!

Puget Systems has developed quite a reputation in the content creation market over the past few years; one of a trusted, honest and expert resource to tap if you ever had any questions about the hardware platforms on which you run your video editing, VFX and even virtual production platforms. They’ve tested it all – extensively – and have always freely shared their findings with anyone looking for answers.

But this week, they’ve taken that a step further and have brought all that Puget Labs expertise and poured into a free desktop application: PugetBench for Creators!

PugetBench for Creators is a new desktop application developed by the Puget Systems Labs team and designed to benchmark professional workloads in the most common video editing, photography, VFX and motion graphics applications.

It runs directly on the host application, instead of relying on artificial or synthetic workloads, to give the most real-world results possible. Users can rely on the PugetBench for Creators desktop app as a good way to ensure that systems are running as expected, with no abnormal showdowns or issues.

At launch, PugetBench for Creators is available for Windows and MacOS, with benchmarks for Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe Photoshop. Puget Systems will be releasing versions for Davinci Resolve and Adobe After Effects in the first half of 2024. Details will be announced at that time.

PugetBench: How Does it Work?

With PugetBench, real-world workflows are broken down into their base aspects for detailed analysis. Testing in a standardized and repeatable manner allows users to see how their system compares to the latest available hardware overall and in specific tasks.

PugetBench benchmarks are focused on the most popular and common workflows used by professionals. They are also 100% free for end users, with a license only necessary for commercial use or advanced features like local logging and CLI support.

Adobe Premiere Pro and Photoshop Benchmarks Exiting Beta

Alongside the PugetBench for Creators application, Puget Systems also announces the exit from beta for the Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe Photoshop benchmarks with the release of the full 1.0 versions. This milestone assures users a stable and consistent benchmarking experience, promising testing and scoring consistency across future 1.x builds.

Development of tests for new application features will continue in a separate beta track, with the main branch focusing on consistent scoring over time.

Pricing and Availability

Puget Systems’ new PugetBench for Creators is available immediately as a free download for individual users. For more information, or to download PugetBench for Creators, please visit  https://www.pugetsystems.com/pugetbench/creators.

Commercial licenses are also available for larger organizations with multiple users. For more information on PugetBench for Creators, how to download, and for pricing on commercial licenses, please visit here.

About Puget Systems

Puget Systems is based in the Seattle suburb of Auburn, WA, and specializes in high performance custom built computers. We emphasize customization with laser focus on understanding each customer’s specific workflow, and offer personal consulting and support that we believe is becoming quite rare in the industry. Our goal is to provide each client with the best possible computer for their needs and budget. For more information or to see how Puget Systems can design a system specifically tailored to the work that you do, please visit


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